
演講題目 Topic

What future for the imaginary of transitions?

姓名 Name

Dr. Pascal Chabot

職稱 Position


單位 Affiliation

Institute for Higher Social Communication Studies (IHECS) in Brussels

場次 Session

Day1, keynote speech 1

演講題目 Topic

Between Culture and Civilization: Towards a Critical Theory of Translation

姓名 Name

Dr. Rachid Boutayeb

職稱 Position

Associate Professor

單位 Affiliation

Social Philosophy and Ethics at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (Qatar)

場次 Session

Day2, keynote speech 2

演講題目 Topic

Unraveling the Dynamics of Crisis Management, Media Influence, and Societal Transformations

姓名 Name

黃懿慧博士 Dr. Christine Yi-Hui Huang

職稱 Position


單位 Affiliation

Head and Chair Professor of Communication and Media, City University of Hong Kong

場次 Session

Day2, conclusion & keynote speech 3

姓名 Name 職稱 Position 單位 Affiliation 場次 Session
何重誼 Dr. Jean-Yves Heurtebise Associate Professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Day1, keynote speech 1
柯宜中 Prof. I-Chung Ke Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, Yuan Ze University Day1, session 1
李秀娟 Prof. Hsiu-Chuan Lee Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University Day1, session 1
劉政彰 Prof. Chen-Chang Liu Associate Professor & Director Department of French, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Day1, session 1
陳榮彬 Prof. Rong-bin Chen Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan University Day1, session 2
林德祐 Prof. Pascal, Te-Yu Lin Department of French, National Central University Day1, session 2
胡宗文 Prof. Daniel Hu Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University Day1, session 2
路愷宜 Prof. Ioana Luca Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University Day1, session 3
鄭惠芬 Prof. Hui Fen Cheng Department of German Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Day1, session 3
墨樵 Dr. Joseph C. Murphy Professor Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University Day2, keynote speech 2
吳敏華 Prof. Min-Hua Wu Department of English, National Chengchi University Day2, session 1
張瓈文 Prof. Doris L.W. Chang Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University Day2, session 1
貝潞 Prof. Paul Bellew Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University Day2, session 2
陳春燕 Prof. Chun-yen Chen Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University Day2, session 2
黃懿慧博士 Dr. Christine Yi-Hui Huang 香港城市大學媒體與傳播系主任暨講座教授 Head and Chair Professor of Communication and Media, City University of Hong Kong Day2, conclusion & keynote speech 3
姓名 Name 職稱 Position 單位 Affiliation 論文題目 Topic 摘要 Abstract 全文 Full Text
施佑芝 Yu-Chih Doris SHIH Associate Professor Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-assisted Intercultural Communication and Learning: Taiwanese College Learners’ Perceptions, Cultural Dimensions, and Intercultural Sensitivity
李宜蓓 Yi-Pei Lee Assistant professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University « Nous Sommes tous des Madame Bovary ». Une étude de cas sur la Transmédiation (“We Are All Madame Bovary.” A Case Study in Transmediation)
林韋君 Wei-Chun LIN Assistant Professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Transitions dans L'écriture Contemporaine : Vérité, Autofiction/biographie et Transnarrativité chez Annie Ernaux et Jean- Philippe Toussaint (Transitions in Contemporary Writing: Truth, Auto- /fiction/biography and Transnarrativity in Annie Ernaux and Jean-Philippe Toussaint)
Nguyen Thi Ha Uyen Lecturer Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University, Vietnam Developing Taiwanese EFL Student Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Through an Intercultural Program
曾明怡 Ming-i Lydia Tseng Associate Professor Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University The Integration of Inquiry-Based Learning Design and Digital Multimodal Composing in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Projects for Intercultural Competence Development
Marian WANG Associate Professor Center for Education in General Studies, Konan University, Japan The lived experiences of Asian American/Australian teachers
Jenny Wong Assistant Professor
何重誼 Jean-Yves Heurtebise Associate Professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University 講歷史的危機:文學與歷史敘事的轉變與轉變
The crisis of (Hi)story-telling: transition & transformation of literary & historical narratives (French: Crise de la mise en H/histoire : transition et transformation du récit romanesque et historique)
高長空 Héctor G. Castaño Assistant Professor Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University Identités, mémoire et justice de la philosophie (Identities, memory and justice of philosophy)
柏逸嘉 Guy Beauregard Professor Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University Transforming Ocean Island: Rethinking Pacific Connections
施喬佳 Giorgia Sfriso Assistant Professor Department of Italian Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Facilitating the Transition: The Freshman Advising Experience
柏安克 / 閔慧慈 Francisco de Borja Navarro / Hui-Tzu Min PhD Student / Distinguished Professor Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University / Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 跨語言教法後設語言回饋對學習者在西班牙語過去時準確性的影響
The Effects of Pedagogical Translanguaging in Oral and Written Corrective Metalinguistic Feedback on Learners’Accuracy on Spanish Past Tenses in Taiwan
狄百彥 Eric de Payen Associate Professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Une Transition de L'Histoire Classique aux Histoires Quantiques (A Transition from Classic History to Quantum Histories)
繆媛 Yuan Miao PhD Student Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University Different representations of Female Hero--Florence Nightingale in China and England in 1910s
羅欣怡 Xin Yi Lo PhD Student Center for Chinese New Literature, Nanjing University 劉以鬯的文學翻譯研究 ——以香港《工商晚報》上的狄公案系列為中心
A Study on the Literary Translation of Liu Yichang --Centering on the Series of A JUDGE DEE MYSTERY in the in Hong Kong's Business Evening Post
鮑朱麗 Julie Bohec Assistant Professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Les stéréotypes et les représentations dans les manuels de FLE utilisés à Taïwan (Stereotypes and representations in FLE textbooks used in Taiwan)
吳桂枝 Evelyn K.C. Wu Assistant Professor Department of International Business and Foreign Languages, Minghsin University of Science and Technology Repression and Repetition: on Eileen Chang’s Writing and Re-writing about Herself
蔣之英 Chih-Ying Chiang Associate Professor Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University Equivalence sentencieuse entre le français et le chinois — étude des cas de confusion catégorielle (Paremic equivalence between French and Chinese - Study of Categorical confusion Cases)
張梵 Albert L. Chang Assistant Professor Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University 從小說到銀幕:林海音《城南舊事》與吳貽弓電影改編之比較分析
From Text to Screen: A Comparative Analysis of Lin Haiyin’s Chengnan jiushi and its Cinematic Adaptation by Wu Yigong
陳榮彬 Richard Rong-bin Chen Associate Professor Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, NTU Translating a Culturally-loaded Term: On George Taylor’s “Palangkan”
Mouli Majhi PhD Student Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi, India Towards Indigenous Literacy: Transmediation of Folklore into Different Forms
墨樵 Joseph C. Murphy Professor Department of English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University Baroque Modernism and African American Performance in Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson’s Four Saints in Three Acts
吳佳馨 Jia-Sin Wu Independent Researcher Deutsche Institut, FJU Textual and Functional Analysis of Book Blurbs from Bestsellers: A Contrastive Research Between German and Chinese.
張祥權 Xiangquan Zhang PhD Student College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University Multimodal Untranslatability in the Chinese Translation of Bob Dylan’s Lyrics-literature
凌旺楨 Wang-Chen Ling Assistant professor Language Center, Soochow University The Phonological Adaptation and Lyrics Recreation in Soramimi: Let It Go
Hawk Chang Assistant Professor The Education University of Hong Kong Transition and Cultural Translation: Staging J. M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World in Taiwan
王耿 Geng Wang Doctoral student / Lecturer Nanjing University,School of Liberal Arts / Zhejiang Yuexiu University,School of Chinese Language and Culture Cross-Cultural Communication to Audiences: A Research on the Translation of Romeo and Juliet by Cao Yu in 1943
Faleke Victoria Ogunnike / Nyameye Abunya Levina Associate Professor & Head / Lecturer Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Language and Communication Sciences Stylistic Exploration of Selected Daddy Lumba's Songs
胡星 Xing Hu Ph.D Student Department of English Language and Literature, Chungbuk National University, Korea Counterculture and Social Ecopoetics of the Beat Generation: Allen Ginsberg
黃士元 Shih-Yen Huang Professor Dept. of German, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages A Cultural Force from Number and Sound
吳敏華 Min-Hua Wu Associate Professor Department of English, National Chengchi University Domesticating Shakespearean Sonnets: Unbound by the Line Number 14
Gi Taek Ryoo Professor Department of English Language and Literature, Chungbuk National University, Korea Creativity realized in Translation: Kim Su-yeong & Robert Lowell
孔方明 Fernando Darío González Grueso Associate Professor Department of Spanish, Tamkang University A Comprehensive Exploration of Polysystem Theory and Cultural Planning in Humanities and Social Sciences: Bridging Disciplines, Analyzing Factors, and Assessing Impact
丹大維 David Dennen Assistant Professor Department of Applied English, Chihlee University of Technology Torment and Transmediation: From Literature to Games and Back