

卡門瑪汀凱伊特《深夜長談》中的原型意象 The Archetypal Images in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Retahílas

Yun-Ying CHENG

卡門瑪汀凱伊特(Carmen Martín Gaite)是 20 世紀享有國際聲譽的西 班牙籍作家之一。瑪汀凱伊特對於女性在社會、家庭及自我認知議題上的 重視,充分顯示在她的作品當中。在西班牙政權轉換的過程中,凱伊特藉 由她溫婉又不失精闢的文字,不僅表達出婦女在傳統社會中的卑微,也傳 達著在政權轉換中,女性內心的不安與迷惘。
《深夜長談》是瑪汀凱伊特於 1974 年出版的作品。書中不僅描寫了歐 菈莉亞(Eulalia)及荷曼(Germán)之間的徹夜長談,同時,也述說著一段 心靈療癒的旅程。尋找理想對話者,一直是其作品中最常見的主題。為此, 我們不僅看到了作者對於對話者的重視,同時,也更加了解到,她對於文 字及語言所帶來的力量,賦予足以治癒心靈、找到人生出口的重要地位。
論文將分析心理學家卡爾榮格(Carl Gustav Jung)的原型及集體潛意識 理論,以及榮格理論研究者 Jean Shinoda Bolen 的神話理論,詮釋歐菈莉亞
(Eulalia)及荷曼(Germán)的「人格面具」;接著,從榮格的原型「陰影」 出發,試圖找出兩位主角潛意識中的另一個自己,同時,也藉由陰影的投 射,找出在藏在歐菈莉亞(Eulalia)及荷曼(Germán)內心的問題所在。


Carmen Martín Gaite is one of the internationally renowned Spanish writers of the twentieth century. Throughout her literary career, she devoted her attention to the injustice between men and women in Spain, both in society and in the fam- ily. During the political transition period, Gaite used her narratives as a messenger conveying the insecurity of Spanish women waiting to break free from social, tra- ditional, and family pressure by means of searching for the salvation of an ideal interlocutor.
Retahílas (1974), the long novel published during the political transition, shows an unexpected conversation between the two protagonists, Eulalia and Germán. In the meantime, the confession they exchange becomes, without real- izing it, the expected salvation that they have been seeking for years. Throughout her literary trajectory, the search for an ideal interlocutor is the most prominent and recurring theme that appears in her works. For this reason, we realize not on- ly the importance of communicating with an adequate interlocutor, but also the importance of the power that words carry, as they are able to heal the wounded mind.
This article will apply not only the theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes proposed by Carl Gustav Jung, but also the theory related to the closed relation between mythology and archetypes proposed by one of Jung’s follow- ers, Jean Shinoda Bolen. Through these theories, this study aims to materialize the “personas” of Eulalia and Germán, and then, to discover how the archetypal power interprets the problems they encounter, and another self hidden in the unconscious by means of locating their “shadow.”

第二十一期序From the Editor

/ 何重誼Jean-Yves HEURTEBISE


22期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 22 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與周岫琴Tsui-O HUANG and Christine CHOU
