

初級日語作文課中的協同寫作教學實踐研究 A Practical Study of Collaborative Writing in a Beginner Japanese Writing Class

Kuei-Feng LEE

台灣的大學日文系學生通常從第二年開始有日語寫作課程,學習如何 用日語寫文章。為緩解學生初次面對日語寫作時的焦慮,並提高他們的日 語寫作能力,本研究在大二的日語作文課中的「段落寫作」單元,導入「協 同寫作」學習方式進行練習。
這次的實踐科目是研究者 110 學年上學期在任教大學進修部日文系所 擔任的「日語習作(一)」課程。 學生共計 26 人,具備初級後半的日語能 力,為日語作文的初學者。
實踐研究結果發現,協同寫作可以為性格內向的學生或日語程度較低 的學生提供同儕鷹架、有助於培養學生的段落結構和讀者意識等後設認知 的培養。
然而,協同寫作的學習成效與學生的課堂參與程度以及自主學習能力 有所相關。為了提高協同寫作的有效性,本研究建議未來實施時應留意以 下幾點:
1. 創造一個學生可以積極互動的環境 2. 關注課堂參與不佳的學生
3. 強化學生自我訂正文章能力與動機


Students in Japanese Departments of Taiwanese universities usually take Japa- nese writing courses starting in their second year. To alleviate students’ anxiety and improve their Japanese writing ability, this teaching practice research introduced a “collaborative writing” learning method into the “Paragraph Writing” unit of the Japanese writing class.
The Japanese writing class in this teaching practice research was conducted during the first semester of 2022. There were 26 students who had junior and inter- mediate level Japanese ability and were beginners in Japanese writing.
The results of the teaching practice research indicate that collaborative writing can provide peer scaffolding for introverted students or students with low Japanese proficiency and help develop students’ metacognition, such as paragraph structure and reader awareness.
However, the effectiveness of collaborative writing is dependent on students’ classroom participation and self-directed learning abilities. To improve the effec- tiveness of collaborative writing, this study suggests the following points should be considered in future implementations:
1) Creating an environment where students can actively interact 2) Paying attention to students who do not participate well in class 3) Strengthening students’ self-correction ability and motivation.

第二十一期序From the Editor

/ 何重誼Jean-Yves HEURTEBISE


22期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 22 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與周岫琴Tsui-O HUANG and Christine CHOU
