

德語學習者在德語劇排練時的學習策略及技巧 ―以《三文錢歌劇》為例 Learning Strategies and Learning Techniques of GFL - Learners in a Theater Project - The Example of “The Threepenny Opera”

Ingo TAMM, Pai-Ling SAH

本研究以文藻外語大學的戲劇計畫―布雷希特的《三文錢歌劇》精簡 版―為基礎,探討參演者在認知及後設認知上所使用的學習策略。
排練時,當學生欲提升德語使用能力,他們傾向採取認知學習策略, 還是後設認知學習策略?此研究也邀請參與演出者評估哪一項學習策略對 完成戲劇任務較有幫助,並討論東亞地區的外語學習者是否有缺乏多元學 習策略的問題。

本研究採用兩項評估工具:一為針對此戲劇計畫所設計的問卷,邀請 參演者就其主觀認知回答問卷問題,另一項則為排練時的錄影影像。此研 究觀察評估錄影影像,並比對受訪者的主觀陳述,進而釐清並歸類參演者 如何在整個排練過程中,隨著時間的推進採取不同的學習策略。

本文第一部分陳述外語戲劇教育範疇中,學習策略應用的理論基礎。 第二部分則聚焦參演者的問卷結果及影像分析結果。

研究顯示,在排練的過程中,演出者應用了多樣化的認知及後設認知 學習策略。他們運用後設認知策略來組織學習過程,並在過程中有意識地 尋找解決方式,而這也視為外語學習及肢體語言能力的一種進步。


The theater project “Threepenny Opera” at Wenzao Ursuline University for Foreign Languages in the abridged version by Bert Brecht formed the basis of the study presented here. We investigate the question of which cognitive and which metacognitive learning strategies were applied by the actors during the preparation of the performance. Did the performers use more cognitive or more metacognitive learning strategies during rehearsals in order to expand their foreign language skills until the performance of the play? Was there a noticeable shift in the course of the rehearsal process? What difficulties did the actors encounter during rehearsals and what learning strategies did they use to solve these problems? The students’ assessments of which learning strategies they perceived as particularly helpful for coping with the tasks for the performance is also discussed.

On the one hand our study is based on the subjective assessment of the actors themselves. By using a questionnaire they were asked about their work within the theater project. On the other hand an empirical evaluation of the video recordings enables a comparison with the subjective statements of the actors and facilitates a reconstruction of the development of different learning strategies during the entire rehearsal process.

Our contribution provides an overview of the theoretical foundations concerning the application of learning strategies in the field of foreign language theater education. The main focus lies on the important results of our actors’ survey and on the outcome of the video analysis.

Our research shows that the questioned actors used different cognitive and different metacognitive learning strategies during the rehearsal process. By using metacognitive strategies, which they increasingly applied during the rehearsal process, the actors organized and supported their own learning process. In doing so, they consciously searched for solutions that seemed appropriate to them to cope with the challenges of the preparation for the performance and that they perceived as an expansion of their skills in the field of foreign languages.