

拉法耶特夫人與二十一世紀的 電影改編:從《蒙邦希耶王妃》(1662) 到《公主與她的情人》(2010) The Princesse of Montpensier : From Novel to Film


《蒙邦希耶王妃》(La Princesse de Montpensier)是十七世紀法國小說家 拉法耶特夫人(Madame de Lafayette)的第一部小說,1662 年匿名出版。 2010 年,法國導演塔維涅(Bertrand Tavernier)選中這部作品,將這本簡短 的歷史短篇小說發展成一小時五十分鐘長的電影,竭力呈現文藝復興時期 的生活面貌、宗教戰爭頻傳的法國宮廷社會,與女主角與生命中四位男子 的情感糾葛,讓書中人物躍然螢幕上。

本文旨在探討短篇小說《蒙邦希耶王妃》與其改編電影《公主與她的 情人》之間轉化、延伸、填補的關係。十七世紀的小說語言含蓄迂迴,止於 暗示,而電影的手法則在於延展、擴張;小說不言明之處,電影致力考量 所有的細節,透過視覺效果呈現作品的內涵與風貌。據此,本文將討論:

1. 在二十一世紀閱讀/改編《蒙邦希耶王妃》的創意與時代性為何?
2. 塔維涅運用電影工具及其潛能,透過影像的開展具體呈現了甚麼風貌的作品?
3. 導演在二十一世紀翻拍十七世紀的小說呈現出甚麼個人意圖,足以與當代的思潮與意識形態接軌?


The Princesse of Montpensier, published anonymously in 1662, was the first novel by Madame de La Fayette, a 17th century French writer. In 2010, the French movie producer Bernard Tavernier adapted this short historical novel into a film of one hour and fifty minutes. In the film The Princess and Her Lover, Tavernier attempted to represent various aspects of Renaissance life, including the society of the French court and the frequent religious conflicts during that era, amidst the heroine’s emotional entanglements with four men in her life.

This article aims to discuss the adaptation of the film The Princess and Her Lover based on the novel The Princesse of Montpensier, focusing on the techniques of transformation, expansion and compensation. The 17th century novel was written in implicit and roundabout language, whereas the medium of film revolves around extension and expansion. The implicit language of the novel is transformed into de- tailed scenery expression. This study will focus on the following:

1. The modernity and creativity in the reading and the adaptation of The Princesse of Montpensier in the 21st century.
2. The development of images and their potentiality where Tavernier used the medium of film as a tool to represent the work.
3. Analysis of the possible personal intent of the director in remaking the 17th century novel into a 21st century movie and the adaptation’s alignment with contemporary thinking and ideology.

第十八期序Vol 18

/ 杜東璊Regina TU

19期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 19 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與曾明怡Tsui-O HUANG and Ming-I TSENG