

進階法語教學裡的跨文化溝通 International Communication in Advanced French Teaching

Chen-Chang LIU

國內以法語教學為專業的科系皆有文化領域的課程,然而在語言程度 相異的課程設計中,文化課程的內容與教學方式必不甚相同。以進階語言 課程為例,其授課範圍包含史地、政經、宗教與藝術文化等,然而各大學 除須配合科系設立宗旨、教學目標,還須顧及所屬師資之專業,因此發展 出不同的課程安排、教材設計與教學方法,各具特色。然而,外語科系的 文化課程究竟是要教語言,還是學文化?筆者認為應兩者並重,但更重要 的是跨文化溝通的能力。因此,本文首先透過多年的教學經驗,分析當今 各教材與教學法的特點,進而探討創新課程如何以「主題式」的方法將史 地和藝術人文等領域融入課程。本研究亦將論及進階課程中母語與其他多 國語的運用,使學生能透過他國語言增進法語學習動機。最後,本文將分 享「異國情調」課程的設計方法,使學生從法語走入世界,在進階文化課 程中不僅提升外語程度,亦能習得跨文化溝通的技巧與樂趣。


For most departments of French language and literature in Taiwan, culture is always considered an important subject in French teaching. However, the contents and the methods certainly vary according to the different levels of the students. In advanced level courses, for example, the teaching scope includes history and geography, politics and economics, religion, art and culture, etc. Nevertheless, French department faculty must not only respect the purpose of setting up the department and the aim of teaching, but also take into account the specializations of the teachers. This is how the variety of course programs, teaching material de- sign and methods are developed in universities. Everyone has his or her own style, but should these instructors teach the language or the culture in the advanced lev- el courses regarding culture? In my opinion, we cannot neglect either one, but the more important aspect is international communication. Therefore, I will first analyze the characteristics of current textbooks and teaching methods using my own experiences over the years of French language and cultural instruction, and then explore how innovative courses can integrate history, geography, art and culture into the curriculum in a “theme-based” approach. The “exoticism” in the culture courses at the advanced linguistic level is utilized at the upper levels so that the students can distinguish the socio-cultural from the French language. Our courses not only improve the linguistic levels of the students, but also aid them in learning the skills and joys of international communication.

第十八期序Vol 18

/ 杜東璊Regina TU

19期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 19 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與曾明怡Tsui-O HUANG and Ming-I TSENG