詞彙對學習一門語言來說很重要:他是一切的基礎,若不了解,對於口語或書寫將無法順利進行。然而在歐洲共同語言參考標準(CECR)中,並沒有涉及太多的詞彙學習。無論學習者的程度高低,都會遇到記單詞的困難。教材方面對幫助學習者記住詞彙的類型較少。運用遊戲教學有諸多優點,我們在課堂上用「七個家庭」的遊戲,反復練習詞彙來幫助學生記下單詞。我們以François Weiss 的研究為基礎,希望改編同一款遊戲給一到三年級及輔系的學生。在研究的最後,我們通過給大學生做問卷調查,了解他們在「七個家庭」遊戲中,熟記詞彙方式的看法。之後在口試時對教學對象(學生)進行測試。
Vocabulary is particularly important when learning a foreign language: it is the basis of everything and without knowing it, both oral and written communication are impossible. CEFR itself makes little mention of vocabulary. Learners at all levels may have difficulties retaining vocabulary, and textbooks offer few exercises to aid in memorizing it. Knowing that games have many advantages, we recommend the Happy Families game for the acquisition of vocabulary in oral classes through repetition. Building on François Weiss’s research, we attempted to adapt the same game for four university classes of different levels. At the end of this paper, we introduce our results in university: we submitted questionnaires to students in order to know their points of view on this method of memorizing vocabulary and tested their knowledge during oral exams.