
Ignatius: Contest on Multimedia Adaptation of Foreign Literature and Local Stories

Ignatius Contest:
Multimedia Adaptation of Foreign Literature and Local Stories

Use your creativity to adapt and promote 
foreign literature or local stories

The "Ignatius Ying Scholarship Board" has commissioned the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (DFLL), College of Liberal Arts, at National Taiwan University and the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Fu Jen Catholic University (CFLL) to organize  the "Ignatius Contest: Multimedia Adaptation of Foreign Literature and Local Stories."
The competition aims to cultivate active understanding of literature and local history among students from both colleges. Participants are encouraged to adapt foreign literature and "local" Taiwanese stories (see definition below) into creative and meaningful multimedia works, thereby promoting the dissemination of foreign language literature and local cultural stories.


(1) Literature (translated into other media)

(2) Local historic sites and cultural stories (translated into literature;
"local" refers to the areas surrounding the National Taiwan University and Fu Jen Catholic University campuses, such as the Xinwutai area, Roosevelt Road, and Gongguan area. In addition, it can also refer to participants' hometowns or Taiwan as a whole)

Sources of adaptation and references must be properly acknowledged, and respect for the original creators' copyrights is essential.

Target Languages: Chinese or English

Adaptation Formats:

(1) Video (up to 10 minutes in length)

(2) Non-video format (text-based, interactive, or multimedia content), such as interactive games, multimedia narratives (including slide presentations), and various forms of creative writing (up to 5000 characters for Chinese, 3000 words for English)

*All submissions must include a 3-5 minute video explaining the creators’ creative concept and (game) operation instructions.
Registration Period: October 1, 2023 - December 15, 2023 (Participants who register and submit their works before the deadline will have a chance to participate in a lucky draw!)
Submission Deadline: Jan 3, 2024
Registration Form:

For more details, please refer to: 



File:Flyer (in Chinese)

File:Poster (in Chinese)