Courses & Programs

2021 Conference on Teaching Practice in Foreign Languages and Literatures

Call for Papers

College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, FJCU


Purpose: Just as teaching and learning are interconnected and mutually reinforcing, so are teaching and research. As foreign language teachers articulate pedagogical principles and educational theories, share innovative methods, reflect on teaching processes, and analyze research data and results, teaching and research could form a positive and mutually supportive hermeneutical circle.

        We invite all teachers specialized in the fields of foreign languages, literature, and culture to join us in this conference to (re)construct discourses on Teaching Practice in Foreign Languages and Literatures. The topics and issues to be included are as follows:

  1. Theory & Practice: How to put pedagogical principles and theories into practice? What educational problems are solved? With what strategies?
  2. Teaching Models: What are the difficulties involved in large-size class teaching, industry-academia cooperation/collaboration, or service learning? How to help students recognize and realize the values of these types of learning? How to assess learning outcomes in these learning activities?
  3. Innovative Approaches and Materials: How to decide whether to use a (paper-based) "textbook" for a language, literature, or culture course? How to make teaching material more interesting? How to integrate self-learning, implement flipped classroom, or conduct task-based or problem-based teaching in language and literature courses?
  4. Technology and Language Teaching: How to use cell phones and laptops in and out of the classroom to promote learning? Are there any fun and effective ways for students in the humanities to study programming languages?

Other research topics and issues related to teaching practice are welcome too.


Time: 2rd June 2021 (Wednesday), 9 am ~ 5 pm

Venue: Fr. Giet Building, College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, FJCU


Abstract submission deadline: March 12, 2021

Abstract acceptance notification: April 9, 2021

Paper* submission deadline: May 7, 2021


*Paper Format: a research paper or technical report

--Language: Chinese or English, at least 2000 words in Chinese or 1000 words in English

--Required: pedagogical motivations & goals, teaching methods, research methodology, research results & discussion

--Optional: theoretical framework, literature review

--Oral presentation: Chinese or English. 15 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes Q&A 


Abstract Submission:

The abstract should not exceed 250 words in English or 500 words in Chinese. (See the attached file.) Please submit the abstract to , with the subject indicating "Abstract for 2020 Conference on Teaching Practice". If you have any question, please contact (02)29053718.

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