

Level-1日語活動設計初探 A Study of Teaching Level-1 Japanese as a Second Foreign Language

Tzu-Ching Chen

本研究旨在分享高中第二外語日語課程教學活動的實踐結果。教學活動參考十二年國民基本教育第二外國語文領域的課綱,以 Level-1 程度的學習者為對象,設計數字到一日作息的學習活動。新的第二外國語文領域課綱共分四個階段,設計理念源自於歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構(Common European Framework of Reference for Language, CEFR),各學習階段的學習項目和達成目標以「Can-do」的模式呈現,重視學習成效與應用能力的培養。第一階段(Level-1)是語文的入門,就日語學習而言,目標在於學會辨識字母語發音,能理解並運用非常基礎的簡短語句做簡單的互動與溝通。本研究的教學設計除了秉持課綱精神,也援用了二語習得理論背景的教學步驟。除了學習新的詞彙外,教學活動也重視應用習得的詞彙進行簡單的表達,讓學習彈性且多元。實踐結果顯示,學習者對教學活動給予肯定的評價。本研究希望此實踐案例的成果能作為活動設計的參考。


This study aimed to share the practical results of teaching activities in Japanese as a foreign language in senior high school. The teaching activities refer to The Second Foreign Language Curriculum and were designed for Level-1 learners. The Second Foreign Language Curriculum is divided into four phases. The design concept was derived from the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR). The achievement of goals is presented in "Can-do" statements which emphasize the cultivation of learning effectiveness and application ability. The first stage is "Level-1," which is the beginner novice level of language learning. As far as Japanese language learning is concerned, the goal is to learn to recognize the pronunciation of the kana and to understand and use simple basic phrases needed for simple interactions and communication. The teaching activity design adheres to the spirit of the curriculum; furthermore, it invokes the second language acquisition theory. In addition to learning new vocabulary, teaching activities applied the vocabulary students had already learned for basic communication, and were designed to be flexible. As a result, learners gave positive evaluations of the teaching activities. It is hoped that the results of this exploratory research will provide a reference for the design of future activities.