

「我很樂意將所有的一切奉獻給你」: 路易吉‧朱撒尼的喜悅概念 “I Have Gladly Given You Everything”: The Gladness in Luigi Giussani

Emanuele Angiola

這篇文章的主題是喜悅(gladness),或可稱為喜樂(joy)。教宗本篤 十六世在任期間不斷強調,喜樂即是基督徒的特質。喜樂有不同的起源, 在意義上也有些差距。事實上,並非所有的喜樂都跟基督信仰相關,在基 督宗教歷史上,多位作家都對以個人身份強調以豐富教會的精神遺產做出 貢獻。本文旨在系統化路易吉‧朱撒尼神父(Fr. Luigi Giussani 1922-2005) 的喜悅概念。朱撒尼神父是二十世紀最具原創性的天主教思想家及教育家 之一。朱撒尼神父偏好使用喜悅這個詞來描述基督徒的喜樂。本文將喜悅 概念與知足、幸福、喜樂、和平、安寧等相似詞作比較,強調它們的相似 之處和特點,並分析喜悅的起源,特別是它與信德、望德和神貧之間的關 聯,並將其與自由和貞潔等其他經歷做聯繫。作者希望這篇文章能夠突顯 朱撒尼神父思想的獨創性,同時彰顯他對教會訓導和偉大傳統的深刻忠誠。


The theme of this study is gladness or joy, which, as Pope Benedict XVI stres- sed throughout his pontificate, is the distinctive trait of a Christian. Joy, however, can take on different shades and have various origins. Indeed, not every type of joy is Christian, and even within the history of Christianity, many authors, throu- gh their personal perspectives, have enriched the spiritual patrimony of the Church. This essay aims to systematize the concept of gladness in the work of Fr. Luigi Gius- sani (1922-2005), one of the twentieth century’s most original Catholic thinkers and educators. The word gladness is Giussani’s favorite to describe Christian joy. In the present essay, this term is confronted with similar words such as contentment, happiness, joy, peace, and tranquility, in order to grasp their similarities and pecu- liarities. The text then analyzes the genesis of gladness, particularly its relationship with faith, hope, and poverty, linking it to other experiences, such as freedom and chastity. The author hopes that this contribution will highlight the originality of Giussani’s thought and, at the same time, his profound fidelity to the Magisterium and the Great Tradition of the Church.