

「跨領域素養導向」應用於 進階法語聽講訓練課程之教與學 Interdisciplinary Competence-based Learning and Teaching in an Advanced French Listening Comprehension Course

Shin-Yi Huang

108 課綱素養導向教學重視情境脈絡化的跨域學習、專題統整與實作 的課程設計。大學教育應銜接此以「學習者為主體」的教學模式,構建合 作情境與培育人文素質的課程,協助學生進行跨域及以現象為本的專案導 向學習。融合跨文化溝通的外語聽講訓練課程,正是落實學生多元識讀並 呈現專題教學導向教學成果之場域。根據「學習金字塔」的記憶保留率理 論,以學生為主體所規劃的教學內容(如:「做中學」或 “Involve me”)能 夠給予學生更多的記憶點。Douglas Brown 在其外語習得(SLA)經典教科 書《第二語教學最高指導原則》中亦提出以下建議:教學者若將多面向文 化參數的概念融入任務教學法,學生在聽講能力和溝通破冰方面的進步將 大幅提升。綜上所述,為了改善進階法語聽講教學實務之相關問題,本文 旨在以「行動研究法」來探究如何將跨域素養主題以及專案導向學習法應 用於法文系四年級「進階聽講訓練」課程設計與畢業專題發表當中。筆者 以社會觀察以及文化產業之跨域議題,在教案中納入「充實詞彙」、「DELF 檢定考聽力訓練」、「關注文化與時事議題」與「專案教學導向(PjBL) 學習成效產出」四大課程目標,以期學生在訓練聽講能力過程中開拓鏈結 世界的視角,具備開發、反思與探究專題議題之自主學習能力,並仿效短 片教材之議題內容規劃、製作畢業專題短片,具體呈現學習效能。


Taiwan’s recently implemented Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Ed-
ucation highlight interdisciplinary learning. For upper secondary education, this
means that courses should be designed around preplanned themes and exercises
to help develop learners’ basic knowledge in various aspects of life, allowing them
to make connections between subjects and develop critical thinking. College ed-
ucation should help students continue this interdisciplinary learning developed
throughout high school. When designing course curricula, instructors need to
create an environment to foster cooperative learning. In the meantime, project-ori-
ented learning serves as a scaffolding to enhance cultural and global understanding.
Foreign language courses, while cultivating communication skills, also provide a
perfect place for students to get in touch with foreign cultures. By adopting a ho-
listic approach, French language courses could become an integrated program in
which teachers apply thematic courses designed to address issues from multiple per-
spectives, while students develop key skills to improve academic performance. In
his book From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship,
Michael Byram points out that the goal of foreign language courses is not only to
help students develop language ability but also to allow them to understand the im-
portance of being able to adapt to the international community. As a French teacher
in a less prestigious university, the author found that traditional foreign language

listening comprehension courses put too much emphasis on language learning progress; thus, learners’ different needs were often overlooked. This could create a divide among students, reducing students’ willingness to participate in class. There- fore, this project aims to adopt an interdisciplinary competence-based curriculum and a project-oriented learning method to conduct an Advanced French listening comprehension course. Hopefully, students will be motivated to participate in class, take the initiative and engage in issue-based inquiry to maximize their learning po- tential.