

口譯學生自我評量方式與對於自我評量的看法及其啟示 Student Interpreters’ Practices and Perceptions of Self-Assessment and Their Implications

Shang-Yune TANG, Ming-Li JU

本研究旨在了解口譯學生自我評量的方式、對於自我評量的看法、這 些看法背後的因素,以及其對於教學的啟示。因此,本研究採取了半結構 式訪談,訪問了 15 名翻譯研究所的學生,並以質性方式分析訪談資料與受 訪者的自我評量文件。研究結果顯示大部分的受訪者認為自我評量對於口 譯學習有正面的影響,而他們也願意做自我評量,但是有些因素會影響口 譯學生自我評量的方式與意願,包括學生是否理解自我評量的意義與評量 標準、對於自己口譯能力的認知、做自我評量時的心態,以及其自主學習 的能力。換言之,多數口譯學生仍需要教師的協助才有辦法完整的衡量自 己的表現,特別是在剛進入翻譯所的時候。本研究之發現可提供口譯教師 教學上的參考,並鼓勵更多口譯學生善用自我評量這個學習工具。


This study aims to shed light on student interpreters’ self-assessment practic- es, the perceived effects of self-assessment on learning, the factors that influence these perceptions, and their pedagogical implications. To this end, the study utilized semi- structured interviews with 15 conference interpreting students, all native speakers of Chinese with English as their B language, from three graduate-level translation and in- terpretation institutes in Taiwan. The interview data was then analyzed qualitatively along with the participants’ self-assessment documents. The results of this study sug- gest that students generally hold a positive view of the effects of self-assessment, and are willing to perform such self-assessments. However, certain factors can affect how and whether they engage in self-assessment: namely, their understanding of self-assessment and the criteria to be used when conducting it, their self-awareness regarding their in- terpreting competence, their mindset when performing self-assessment, and their level of learner autonomy. Moreover, many interpreting students still require instructor guidance to gain a complete picture of their current level of performance; hence, self- assessment needs to be performed in conjunction with instructor feedback, especially during the early stages of training. The findings of this study have practical implications for instructors in terms of introducing students to self-assessment and will hopefully aid learners in developing their self-assessment skills.