

新冠疫情下的「鬼滅」奇蹟:《鬼滅之刃》中的疾病書寫、愛、殘酷與慈悲 The Miracle of “Kimetsu” During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Depictions of Illness, Love, Cruelty, and Mercy in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Mei-Hsueh SHEN

《鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇》為日本於 2020 年 10 月 16 日上映的劇 場版動畫電影,以吾峠呼世晴的漫畫《鬼滅之刃》為原作,並由著名的動 畫公司 ufotable 製作。劇場版一推出便締造了數項紀錄,並在公開第 73 天後, 打破了由宮崎駿於 2001 年執導的動畫電影《神隱少女》票房紀錄,成為日 本影史以來最賣座的電影。對於新冠疫情下的日本社會而言,《鬼滅之刃》 的意義已遠不止於是暢銷漫畫或是最賣座電影等單純的商業現象,在日本 造成對社會各層面的影響以及引發的正能量,已經可以說是一個「奇蹟」。
在本期的主題「全球大流行的愛與不安」之下,本論文主要有三個討 論重點。
第一,首先釐清《鬼滅之刃》中敵對一方的「鬼」在日本的歷史與文 化中的代表含意,以探討本作品的主題「人與鬼之戰」的文學想像力。第 二,在新冠疫情下,人與人的關係疏遠,而《鬼滅之刃》裡描寫的親情、 友情、階層倫理,讓許多支持者重新找回了對疏遠家人的關心,而觀影經 驗亦撫平許多心理與情緒之不安。第三,將重點放在本作品的二段宣傳標 語,即「這是日本最慈悲的鬼滅故事」與「夜晚迎來黎明。意念永恆不滅。」 來說明《鬼滅之刃》想要傳達的訊息性。本論文即以上述要點來闡述新冠 疫情肆虐下,在日本社會所發生的「鬼滅奇蹟」。


Demon Slayer Movie — Mugen Train is the movie version of the anime that was first screened in Japan on October 16, 2020. Its original story was by Koyoha- ru GOTOUGE, and it was produced by the famous anime production company Ufotable. When the movie version was screened, it broke a lot of records. 73 days after its release, it surpassed the sales record of Hayao Miyazaki’s 2001 film Spirited Away, becoming the best-selling movie in Japanese movie history.
In a Japanese society ravaged by COVID-19, the social meanings of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba go beyond the mere business phenomena such as best-sell- ing manga or best-selling movie; it has had various influences on Japanese society, generating positive energy, and some might even say it can be called a “miracle.” Under this theme, this essay has three points: First of all, the author would like to clarify the meaning of the enemy, “Oni/demon,” in Japanese history and culture in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, and describes how the creator uses the imagination of literature to reveal the battle between humans and demons. Secondly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, people have become more distant; the depictions of fami- ly love, friendship, class ethics, etc., narrated in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, has helped many fans remember precious feelings they had forgotten. Thirdly, the essay investigates the meanings of the most important advertising slogans attached to the work: “This is the best, kindest demon-slaying in Japan” and “The dawn is coming.

The minds are eternal.” The author clarifies the messages that this movie wants to convey. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the miracle of “Kimetsu” during the COVID-19 pandemic through these three points.

第十七期序From the Editor

/ 墨樵Joseph MURPHY

18期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 18 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與曾明怡Tsui-O HUANG and Ming-I TSENG