

資訊科技導向的跨文化義語教學 Use of Information Technology and Its Application to the Teaching of Intercultural Italian to Chinese-Language Students

Yi-Ting CHEN

從上個世紀的 80 年代以降,資訊溝通科技(Information Communication Technology,ICT)快速發展,重塑當代社會文化,帶來重大深遠的影響, 改變了個人和人際間認知、思維、行為、互動、溝通方式。語言以不同的 載具呈現時,無論是宣紙、羊皮紙等古老載具,或平板電腦、智慧型手機 等現代化載具,都會以不同方式適應該載具,從而影響到語言使用者的認 知、溝通、交流方式。在資訊溝通科技蓬勃發展的網路時代,人們的「生 活情境」早已超出現實世界並跨足網路世界。
對義大利語教師而言,網際網路和資訊科技所具有的豐富表述方式在 教學有巨大潛能。首先,網際網路是一個不斷更新的資料庫,供第二外語 教師取材、準備、設計課程。網路上有大量由義大利母語者以義語為義大 利人所寫的「真實語料」,其中包括多樣化的文本類型,學習者可從中汲 取有價值的文化內容。本文即嘗試以目前盛行的線上義語教學資源、多媒 體教材這些新科技對教學的多樣輔助,在跨文化溝通教學的情境下,探討 其融入義語教學的可能性。


Since the 1980s, the rapid development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has reshaped contemporary society and culture, bringing about significant and far-reaching effects, changing the way people perceive, think, act, in- teract, and communicate. Language is presented through different media, from rice paper and parchment, in the ancient world to tablet computers and smartphones today. Moreover, language adapts to media in different ways, thus affecting the way language users perceive, communicate, and interact. In the age of the Internet, where information and communication technologies are flourishing, people’s life situations have long since moved beyond the real world to the online world.
For Italian language teachers, the Internet and information technology, with their rich expressions, have great potential for teaching. The Internet is a constant- ly updated database that second language teachers can access to prepare and design lessons. There is a wealth of authentic material there written by native Italian speak- ers for Italian language, including a wide variety of text types from which learners can draw valuable cultural content. This paper seeks to explore the possibility of in- corporating online Italian teaching resources and multimedia teaching materials, which are currently prevalent, into the teaching of Italian in the context of intercul- tural communication.

第十七期序From the Editor

/ 墨樵Joseph MURPHY

18期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 18 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與曾明怡Tsui-O HUANG and Ming-I TSENG