

佩魯吉諾《最後的晚餐》:其聖經和藝術淵源 Perugino’s Last Supper : Its Biblical and Artistic Sources and Judas’s Morsel as a Sign of Love


在新約聖經中,耶穌將祂的人性和永恆性與兩個簡單而日常的標誌結 合在一起:吃麵包和喝酒(路加 22,19)。在若望福音第六章五餅二魚的事 蹟後,耶穌表明自己是「從天上降下來的生命的食糧」(若望 6,41)。在 最後的晚餐中,耶穌用麵包和葡萄酒建立聖體聖事,祂說:「這是我的身 體,這是我的血」(瑪竇 26,26-28)。最後的晚餐與聖體聖事密不可分,這 既是因為耶穌在最後的晚餐中創立了聖體聖事,也因為耶穌透過這個禮儀 以不見血的方式預告之後要發生的事:祂在十字架上犧牲。《最後的晚餐》 在從古到今的藝術史上都佔有極高的地位。在本文中,我將介紹佩魯吉諾 繪於翡冷翠的《最後的晚餐》。首先,藉由分析猶大與耶穌在畫面中的相 對位置,了解在他之前的其他藝術家如何安排這兩個人物的位置,使猶大 在眾門徒中易於辨認,且符合福音的描述。之後將探討麵包、葡萄酒和羔 羊,特別是耶穌給予猶大的餅,到底意味著耶穌的聖體或只是一般的食物; 最重要的是,探究耶穌遞出餅,而猶大接受的行為涵義。在我看來,佩魯 吉諾的壁畫最能體現耶穌和猶大之間的關係:耶穌親自給他的一小塊餅, 其實充滿著對猶大的愛。


In the New Testament, Jesus binds his person and his permanence in history to this simple and daily sign: the eating of bread and drinking of wine (Lk. 22.19). In the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John after the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, Jesus identifies himself with the “true bread of life that has come down from heaven” (Jn. 6.41). At the Last Supper, Jesus uses bread and wine to institute the sacrament of the Eucharist: “this is my body, this is my blood” (Mt. 26.26-28). The Last Supper and the Eucharist are closely linked both because during the Last Supper Jesus institutes this sacrament, and because the rite makes present what Je- sus wanted to anticipate during his last dinner in a bloodless manner: his sacrifice on the cross. The Last Supper’s importance explains its presence in the history of art from the very beginning to the present day. In this article I will present Perugi- no’s Last Supper from the refectory of the Franciscan tertiaries linked to the rule of Blessed Angela da Foligno in Florence. I will analyze the position of Judas with re- spect to Jesus to see how different artists before him have solved the problem of positioning so as to render him easily recognizable, yet maintaining a proximity to Jesus concordant with the Gospel. I will discuss the bread and wine and the lamb and I will focus on the morsel that Jesus gives to Judas. I will consider whether it is the Eucharist or some other food; above all, I consider what meaning it had for Jesus in offering it, and for Judas in receiving it. It seems to me that Perugino’s fresco best captures the relationship between Jesus and Judas: the morsel personally given him is in fact a gesture of great love towards Judas.

第十七期序From the Editor

/ 墨樵Joseph MURPHY

18期預告與劉光義教授紀念基金感謝辭About Vol 18 and Acknowledgement

/ 黃翠娥與曾明怡Tsui-O HUANG and Ming-I TSENG