

醫療口譯員的培養與實務探討:以39天的實踐為分析案例 Medical Interpretation Training and Practice: A Study of Two Medical Interpretation Practicums through 39 Days


由於專業醫療譯者的培育或相關實務研究尚處於起步階段,本文擬以2018 年與 2019 年的國際急重症病患口譯服務案件紀錄及譯者訪問,探討醫療口譯員的培育與實務上的課題。兩次案件皆由兩位老師共同主持,分別帶領 6 名學生提供 13 天(共計 67.4 小時)的人道救援服務,以及 9 名學生進行持續 26 天(共計 422 小時)的國際病人口筆譯等語文服務。

本研究以兩次個案所累積的 112 筆(12 萬 8 千字,含中日文)工作紀錄為研究範圍,包括學生實踐紀錄、LINE 群組對話紀錄、與病人方之間的溝通紀錄、雲端共享檔案,以及事後討論紀錄等。透過譯者行動研究方法,觀察記錄的同時,對照 5 位前人文獻中的醫療口筆譯能力描述,分析師生團隊在醫療現場面臨的具體問題、口筆譯解決方案、相關工具及技術的運用、病患困境的感知與回應、國際醫療的倫理問題等,並梳理如何藉由團隊實踐,從中彌補學用落差,落實服務效益,以提升教學成效。


The training of professional interpreters in the medical field has been gaining attention in recent years. However, little empirical research has been done on the subject. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss issues that medical interpreters may encounter during training by analyzing two practicums. Both practicums, carried out in 2018 and 2019, were led by two instructors and had students providing interpretation services to patients who were critically ill. The first practicum consisted of 6 students who volunteered as interpreters for 67.4 hours over the course of 13 days. The second practicum consisted of 9 students who provided interpretation, translation, and other related services for 422 hours over the course of 26 days.

This paper studies the two practicums by analyzing the 112 files compiled by the students. The files, totaling 128,000 words*, consist of the students’ practicum reports, LINE chat history, shared files, self-reflections, and details of their interactions with patients. In addition, this paper also references 5 previous studies on the skills and competences required by medical interpreters and translators when identifying difficulties and ethical issues the students encountered, how students resolved issues with their knowledge, skills, and digital tools, and how the students empathized with patients. Lastly, this paper also offers suggestions on how students and instructors can work together to bridge the gap between the classroom and real practical experiences in order to provide better medical interpreting services and to enhance the training of medical interpreters.