

中日口語言談訊息結構的比對分析 A Contrastive Analysis of the Information Structures in Verbal Discourse in Chinese and Japanese

Cheng-shu Yang

本文的目的在於就中日口與即席演講的「言談訊息結構」(discourse information structure),針對訊息的組成內容、組織架構、傳遞模式、談話標誌、以及句法與語用特徵等,探討訊息傳遞過程中運用到的語言技能與策略。

本文根據功能語法的「訊息地盤理論」(the territory theory of information)觀點,以日譯中同步口譯的原語與譯語為語料加以檢驗,探討牽涉到兩種語言的訊息傳遞過程裡,其訊息傳遞模式是否與理論相符?



This paper aims to explore the language skills and strategies employed in simultaneous interpertation from Japanese into Chinese, taking into account of various factors of discourse information structure such as contents, structure, method of dissemination, speech markers, sentence strucuture, and syntax.

This paper adopts the territory theory of information proposed in functional grammar to examine both source and target language corpora of a simultaneous interpretation form Japanese into Chinese, explore the processes by which information is conveyed in the two languages, and finally determine whether the manner in which the information is conveyed is consistent with relavant theories.

The examination and analysis show that the information structure in verbal discourse has certain patterns and is composed of three elements, while the information is conveyed according to a modularized system of principles. Moreover, the conveyed information is linked in a coherent manner by using various presentational and linking expressions. This pattern of conveying information during verbal discourse is not only present in Chinese and Japanese, but also manifested in the verbal communication of all other natural languages.