

經典重譯與譯者風格變化:《The Old Man and the Sea》余光中兩譯本的對比研究 Retranslation of Classicsand Changes in Translator Styles: A Comparative Study of Yu Kwang-Chung

Cong GUO

文學作品在不同時期重譯能夠更新譯本,使得作品繼續散發活力。經典重譯常會引起社會關注,而名家重譯自身舊作則更具意義海明威作品《The Old Man and the Sea》於1952年由余光中翻譯,題為《老人和大海》,在臺北《大華晚報》連載,1957年由臺北重光文藝出版社印成專書2010年,余光中重譯本由南京譯林出版社在中國大陸出版。本文以余光中1957年《老人和大海》以及2010年《老人與海》兩譯本為研究對象,從譯序、譯註、譯作三個方面對比分析重譯本較之於初譯本的不同之處以探尋不同時空下譯者在重譯本所展現的風格,以及譯者重譯自身舊作的意義在對譯作進行分析時,本研究運用語料庫方法對重譯本中的修改之處分類,並進行質與量相結合的分析。較之初譯本,重譯本譯者風格產生了明顯的變化,譯者在重譯本譯序中以更鮮明的譯者形象出現,初譯本譯者注為夾注,重譯本採用腳注形式,注重讀者的閱讀體驗,且符合大陸出版規範“對正文的修改體現了譯者追求用地道的中文盡可能地貼近原文,一些詞彙進行了在地化處理,或選用符合當下語言規範的表達方式,體現出時代性,本研究還表明,語料庫方法能夠對重譯本的變化進行量化分析,與回歸文本的質性分析相結合,能夠不因量而偏廢文本中細微。少量而重要的修改。


Retranslation of a literary work in different periods can optimize its previous translation and keep the original work continually appealing to readers. Retranslations of literary classics by famous translators often catch readers' eye, and those by the same translators assume even more significance. Authored by Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea was translated by Yu Kwang- Chung into Chinese and serialized in Dawa News from December 1952 to January 1953. In 1957, it was published by Ch'ung Kwang Literature and Art Press in Taipei. In 2010, Yu Kwang-Chung's retranslation of the novella was published by Yilin Press in Nanjing. Focusing on the prefaces, the annotations and the texts, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the two translations of Yu Kwang-Chung to find out the changes in his translator styles in the retranslation published in a different time and place and to explore the significance for same-translator retranslation of a literary work. This paper adopts corpus-based research method to classify the revisions of the retranslation and uses mixed methods to analyze them. Based on the statistics and the qualitative analysis, it is concluded that compared with the first translation, the translator styles presented in the retranslation has obviously changed. The translator's image has been emphasized in the preface of the retranslation. Different from those in-text notes in the first translation, the translator's notes are all footnotes in the retranslated work, which brings the readers better reading experience and meets the publication convention in Chinese mainland. The revisions in the text reveal that the language of the retranslation is more idiomatic and source-oriented. Some of the words are localized according to the pragmatics in Chinese mainland and the language is also adjusted to conform to the norm of contemporary Chinese. This study also shows that the corpus-based method helps quantify the revisions in the text and the qualitative analysis of the retranslation highlights the subtle but important changes.