

Reflection on Practicum Programs in International Medical Interpreter Training Programs


Through gaining experience in a clinical environment, students of the International Medical Interpreter Training Programs examine their own learning outcome and develop proficiencies of a professional medical interpreter. This paper addresses the students’ experience in practicum programs and explores the process of acquiring professional knowledge as well as developing professional awareness. Objectives of the practicum program mentioned in this paper include (1) understanding medical processes and procedures and discussing the roles and strategies of the interpreter; (2) observing the doctor-patient relationship and formulating possible solutions; (3) fulfilling demands for translation and interpretation; (4) establishing relevant corpus. Based on the studies of Kolb (1984), this paper uses the Experiential Learning theory to observe the Practicum reports compiled by students in International Medical Interpreter Training Programs and analyze how students utilize knowledge acquired in class in a clinical environment. This paper also describes how the students construct new knowledge, comb through the issues occurred in the process, and observe how students acquire professional knowledge and develop professional awareness. Lastly, after deliberation, this paper proposes suggestions on the ideal materials, practices, follow-up methods and ways of improvement for practicum programs in International Medical Interpreter Training Programs.