

產學合作對外語學習之意義-以輔大為例 The Significance of Collaboration between Industry and Academia in Foreign Language Learning

Tsann-Ching Lo

「產學合作」的概念源自1862年美國的摩里爾法案(Morrill Act),如今已有許多國家在戮力推行。台灣的教育部及國科會分別在95年及96年訂定產學合作辦法,許多大學也設立相關單位促進產學合作。然而普通大學與科技大學教育目標不同,各校產學合作肩負的使命也互異,院系專業領域更是不同,產學合作的內容與對象之差異就顯而易見。要建構一個放諸四海而皆準的產學合作定義與目標,殊屬不易。準此,外語系所產學合作的定義與定位自然與其他院系有所區隔。簡言之,外語系所的產學合作是透過實習、參訪或提供業界與在校生專業外語課程,讓學生在與業界互動時,一方面學習院系設定之語言以外的社會適應技能,如問題分析與解決行為、人際溝通行為、團隊合作行為、創新行為;另一方面讓學生在實習或參訪時,發現己身在外語的聽、說、讀、寫、譯上的缺失,亦即發現「學而後知不足」,返校後能加以補強。換言之,外語系所產學合作的短期目標是加強外語的學習動機、補己之不足並確立學習方向,中程是藉此調整系所教育之方式、內涵及宗旨。長程目標則是與國家人才需求做聯結。亦即讓「教、學、用」三個環節互有關聯,以培育符合時代需求之優質外語人材。本論文試以個案研究方式,從a)教育部「22K實習計畫」,b)教卓計畫之「易子而教-產(官)學合作新模式」,及c)「協助外貿協會國際展翻譯及接待計畫」,討論及分析產學合作對外語學習之意義。


Collaboration between industry and academia dates back to the Morill Act (1862) in the United States and has flourished since then in many countries. It has played an important role in higher education in Taiwan since last decades. The importance of collaboration between industry and academia differs from faculty to faculty. As far as foreign language learning is concerned, the goals are: 1. Providing chances for students to learn core skills needed on the job, such as problem analysis and solving, interpersonal communication. It is also expected that the students find their deficiency of the skills necessary on the job and later learn those skills when practicing their foreign languages in a collaboration project. 2. Offering the college teachers an opportunity to adjust their teaching objectives and course contents in response to the social and economical change. 3. Integrating the resources of all units at the university to optimize the foreign language teaching and learning. The aim of this paper is to find out the significance of collaboration between industry and academia in foreign language learning by means of analyzing three projects conducted/supported by the Taiwan Ministry of Education and the Foreign Languages Faculty at Fu Jen University.