

Epic Characteristics in "Wu-Chang-Yuan, The Fallen Star in the Autumn Wind"—applying Chinese, Japanese and the Western source materials—

Tsui-o Huang

"Wu-Chang-Yuan, The Fallen Star in the Autumn Wind" was a psalter wrote by the Japan recent times poet Doi-bansui, taking the soul character "Zhu-Ge-Liang" (181-234) in the "The Romance of the three kingdoms", as the eulogized target.

The research method applied in this article will be process from the source and contrast these two research's direction. Regarding the fore, the emphasize is on the exploring the naissance backgroung of "Wu-Chang-Yuan, The Fallen Star in the Autumn Wind", example in the China ancient native, or the space time stipulation in the Doi-bansui times, the power of influence etc exploit with regards to the birth of the work piece.

As for the contrast research, it also takes Doi-bansui other works which also describe Hero, as the subject of comparison, example, in the verse of the "Heaven and Earth, with Sentiments", "The Dreams before the Horse" describes the story of Napoleon, and the Homer's epic, Iliad, Odyssey, etc., by comparing , it explore the consistent thoughts of Doibansui, and taking further steps, exploring China, Japan and the Western's writing characteristics, each exploiting its power of influence on the "Wu-Chang-Yuan, The Fallen Star in the Autumn Wind", and from it, finging out the individually of "Wu-Chang-Yuan, The Fallen Star in the Autumn Wind".