專題演講Keynote Speeches

帕斯卡爾·夏博(Dr. Pascal Chabot)



2013年,他在PUF出版了《全球倦怠》(翻譯成多種語言),2015年出版了《轉銜時代》。2016年,小說《ChatBot the Robot》首次由羅賓·雷努奇演出。隨後,2017年出版了《存在,抵抗。這取決於我們。》2018年,他出版了《想要購買語言的人》,同年為舞台改編並由埃蓮娜·庫維爾和帕特里克·布魯爾演出。然後,在2019年出版了《自由品質論》,2021年出版了《擁有時間。時間哲學的測試》。


帕斯卡·查博特 (Pascal Chabot)出生於 1973 年,是布魯塞爾社會傳播高級研究所 (IHECS) 的哲學家和教授。他透過作品《全球倦怠》(2013 年)而為公眾所熟知,其中他將當代工人的倦怠與中世紀僧侶的絕望進行了比較,最近又通過《自由品質論》(2019 年)而為公眾所熟知。 他認為質量——而不是數量——將是 21 世紀的挑戰。與有時間。這是一篇關於計時學的文章 (2021),它對我們的文明所維持的與時間的不同關係進行了思考。他也是《轉型時代》(2015 年)、《存在,抵抗》一書的作者。《一切都取決於我們》 (2017) 和《奧爾德斯‧赫胥黎的六天一生》 (2022)。上述著作均由法國大學出版社出版。

演講題目:What future for the imaginary of transitions?

     For about ten years, the theme of transition has been at the center of many debates. Ecological transition, demographic transition, digital transition, the term is now widely used. The first step will be to question the reasons for the success of this word, by distinguishing it from other terms such as "revolution" or "progress". Transition designates a desired change, in which a series of wishes and preferences are translated to shape a particular imaginary. At a time when so many developments and changes seem dictated by the inescapable logic of what we call the "system", transition thus brings into existence a hope of transformation of a particular kind, in which particular desires could have a place. This analysis of the place of transitions in contemporary philosophy and more broadly in culture, which will be nourished by a series of literary examples, will however have to be completed by an analysis of the reactions and sometimes the protests that the transitions movement has aroused. Because some intellectuals have argued that the transition was in reality impossible, or that its ambitions were too weak. According to them, a more powerful systemic logics would make fragile the hopes carried by the imaginary of the transition. Moreover, the individual aspect of transition initiatives would not guarantee its collective implementation. What should we think of these arguments? And more broadly, how can we build this new imaginary of change today, so that the transformations we are experiencing do not appear to be a new "destiny", but rather come closer to what we could desire. These are the questions that will be addressed in this conference.

拉希德·布塔耶布(Dr. Rachid Boutayeb)


曾於2023年3月受中山大學哲學研究所邀請,於「Decolonizing Philosophy Past and Present」系列講座中演講。

Rachid Boutayeb is Assistant Professor of Social Philosophy and Ethics at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. He worked as Lecturer in the disciplines of philosophy, anthropology, and Islamic studies at several German universities. He has written numerous research papers related to the ethics and social philosophy of migration. Most recently he published in German: Tristesse oblige. Eine kleine Philosophie der Nachbarschaft (Alibri, 2022) and in Arabic: Modernity and Contemporaneity: Ideas for an Intercultural Philosophy (Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2024)

布塔耶布撰寫了大量與移民倫理和社會哲學相關的研究論文。最近他出版了德文著作《現代性與當代性:跨文化哲學的思想》(《Tristesse oblige. Eine kleine Philosophie der Nachbarschaft》阿利布里,2022年),以及阿拉伯文著作《Modernität und Gegenwärtigkeit: Ideen für eine interkulturelle Philosophie》(阿拉伯研究與政策研究中心,2024年)。

演講題目:Between Culture and Civilization: Towards a Critical Theory of Translation

     In order to develop a critical theory of translation from the perspective of the Global South, it is essential to break free from the constraints of ideological thinking and language inherited from the liberation ideologies of the second half of the 20th century, such as Nationalism or Islamism in the Arab-Islamic region. It necessitates maintaining a critical distance from the discourse of Occidentalists and Occidentalists, which influences thinking in various cultural contexts. This discourse manifests today in a kind of epistemic populism that advocates for epistemological autonomy, perpetuating the marginalization and alienation of the periphery from the scientific, political, and human rights achievements of modernity. A critical reassessment of the problem is necessary. This re-evaluation can only be achieved by linking it to social reality, i.e., recognizing the sociological identity of thought. It involves identifying the significance of social reality, its diversity and complexity, and the prioritization of its questions and themes, particularly those related to intercultural issues and the methods of addressing them. The goal is not to translate or replicate the 'original.' The shift towards a sociological turn of translation is a response to the two prevailing forms of translation in the Arab-Islamic context: Salafism and Westernization. This shift opposes the detachment of thought from society and its contemporary concerns.

黃懿慧 (Dr. Yi-Hui Christine Huang)



研究獎項包括:美國國家傳播協會(NCA)頒發的公共關係學最佳期刊論文獎;由台灣政治大學頒發的研究講座教授獎。 黃懿慧教授獲得2010年及2013年國際傳播協會(ICA)公共關係最佳會議論文獎和2010年的最佳教員論文獎。在 2013年及2016年,黃教授獲香港中文大學社會科學院頒發模範教學獎。



  1. Lau, J., Huang, Y. H. C.*, Cai, Q., Li, J., Sun, J., Liu, R. (forthcoming). Self-Transcendence: A cross-cultural study with Democracy in the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-Cultural Research. [Q2, SSCI; Q1, Scopus]
  2. Lu, Y., Chen, X., Huang, Y. H. C., & Lin, F. (forthcoming). Measuring Up in a Pandemic: Information Attention, Source Credibility, and Public Evaluation of Government COVID-19 Response in Mainland China. Chinese Journal of Communication. [Q2, SSCI; Q1, Scopus]
  3. Wang, X., Huang, Y.-H. C., & Wu, Q. (2023). Shifting from Monologue to Dialogue: Effects of the IDEA Model for Designing Effective Government-Initiated Health Risk Communication Strategies. Information Science, 41(4), pp. 105-116. [CSSCI]
演講題目:Unraveling the Dynamics of Crisis Management, Media Influence, and Societal Transformations

     This presentation will examine the dynamics between news media, crisis managers, and regulators in three significant crisis events in China: the Guo Meimei incident and the resulting credibility crisis for the Red Cross Society of China, the Wei Zexi incident involving Baidu's paid listing service, and the 3.15 McDonald's meat product scandal. It will investigate how these organizational crises highlight social issues and can prompt regulatory changes. Through these case studies, the presentation will elucidate the media's role in crisis scrutiny and its effects on organizational and societal dynamics.